ALIVE Healing Therapies

Family Practice in Herbalism and Advanced Massage Therapy

Tacoma, WA - (253) 759 1672

Discover the Healing Power of Herbs and Bodywork

Opportunities for Healing, Growth and Change

Constitutional Herbalism can improve harmony, wellness, and vitality in your life. Herbs can help stimulate your body's ability to function better over time and can potentially prevent future problems.

Our Herbal Apothecary is fully stocked with high quality western, and Chinese herbal extracts, tea herbs, and supplements for purchase. We can design a personal formula specific to you and prepare it for you here. Call for a herbal consultation.

  • Herbal Services: Consultations by phone or in office: $75/hr.
  • Herbal Products: (extracts, loose medicinal tea herbs and supplements): as marked.
  • Personal Herbal Formula: $40..$240 for a 1-2 months supply.
  • Herbal Apothecary orders can be picked up locally, or shipped to you.

Advanced Bodywork involves honoring your body's inner wisdom by listening to it's messages (tensions, pains, rhythms, and patterns) and responding with advanced techniques from around the world. Results can be less pain, greater flexibility, better posture, tension release, faster healing, improved function, and progress in healing, growth and change.

  • CranioSacral Therapy
  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Myofascial Release
  • Therapeutic Touch, Chakra Balancing
  • Lymph Drainage
  • Process Acupressure
  • SomatoEmotional Release, Unwindings
  • Creative Expression

Advanced Bodywork using any combination of techniques above: initial visit $130, 80 mins; followup visits: $85, 50 mins.

(These advanced techniques can cost over $250 per hour in other settings).

Injury/Accident bodywork: billed with prescription from your doctor and appropriate information provided in advance.

Discounts available for multiple session packages, Bradley newborns, seniors over 70. All ages welcome. Handicapped accessible.

Payment can be cash, check, debit, or credit. Billing available with auto accident PIP insurance or WA L&I insurance.

Sherie McGuffey, LMP, ICBT, NBCMT, BS, Herbalist has been in practice since 1989. She has extensive and advanced training in herbs and bodywork. Here are some of her credentials.

What do People Say?

Read these excerpts from clients' letters.

Phone: (253) 759 1672

Fax: (253) 620 0300

Email: Aisha at AliveHealingTherapies dot com